Dirt Brothers Latest Finds
February 29, 2000

Road Trip to Poole Texas!

Two views of a pasture we hunted which had a creek and the Brazos as its borders.
Dirt Brothers Rich and Bob were intrigued by the high quality points Joe and Barbara had been sending us pictures of.
When they offered us their hospitality we accepted and hauled ourselves up to see them.

What an adventure we had. Our two days were filled with fine old camp, turned into pasture, that we roamed and 
roamed, surface hunting and admiring the beautiful bold landscape. then there was the cave on the Brazo river and 
the site in Commanche County... oh what a tale to unfold!

More than that, we got to make friends with this family, who were most generous in their hosting,
running us all over the area---- better than anything we could find in the fields!

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