Dirt Brothers Latest Finds
July 18, 2000

Action taken on Dirt Brother Complaints to the LCRA!

LCRA Archaeologist Dan Prikryl looking over shovel test results.
Good news is always great to relay to you, 
and I'm happy to relate that something is going
to be done to preserve middens on Public
property at LCRA parks. 

This past week, I was invited to participate
in a "shovel test" at Grelle Resource area, a
place subject to much of the scarring you saw
in the last update. This test was to determine
just where the capping of the middens 
will take place.

Much thanks must go out to Dan Prikryl and
Andy Malof of the LCRA for their work
investigating this matter. I heartily encourage you
to write to these guys and let them know you
also find this to be a great development.


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