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You've been patient...  and many have written kind letters saying 
that the update gap gave them a chance to look over the archives 
and some of the other sections of the site. Thanks So Much!
The Dirt Brothers have gotten some great reviews over the last few months, 
the coolest of which I believe was in the German Magazine STERN:
Click Here To See It  (It's in German, Use your back button to return here).
And welcome to the many new readers clicking in from Germany and Europe.

Anyhow, the weather all over the US has not been exactly the best 
arrowhead hunting weather, but inbetween the rain and cold we Dirt Bros 
managed to do some great surface hunting, concentrating on 
Krause Springs and Quinn's Quarry. Some interesting finds to show.
Plus we've got some cool surface finds from Lake Travis courtesy 
of Dirt Brother Randy S. that include a lovely grinding bowl.

You all have also been busy---- this Visitor's Pages Update is incredible...
Don't Forget to check it out when you're done here!

Hope this update was worth your waiting.
Me, I'm off to London for a couple of weeks. I'm hoping to get some good 
pictures of local lithics for a future post. Life's keeping me busy, but I'm 
always looking for goodies to post here for you!

<----- thought you'd like this sign that caught my eye while driving 'round Lake Travis--
         must go back and investigate this sometime.

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