Latest Finds
September through End of Year 2004

Dirt Bro Dwight Howe salvages the last of it from the "big pit" at the Onion--- rains caused the boulders to fall!

Well, despite my studying regime (I did pass my GRE exam!)and record rains, I managed to accumulate some great shots of several sites I know you will enjoy seeing. Of course, there's the Onion, as always the exploration continues there, but we also visit Krause Springs, Walnut Creek, and a new site near Taylor, Texas. Another site, Pecan Springs, owned by Dirt Bro Randy Brown is going to be a continuing story--- we're doing formal excavations there... It is featured in it's own section.   Enjoy!

Read the update page-by-page, then jump back to your favorite section!
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Your choice!    Enjoy!

September through End of Year 2004 Latest Finds Direct Links:
Latest Onion Creek finds
A new site near Taylor Texas
Krause Springs Finds
Walnut Creek, Crisners & Rockshelters near Pedernales Canyon
Formal Excavations at Pecan Springs

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