Dirt Brothers Visitor Pages
January - October, 2005
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From Dirt Bro  Joe Oakes in Texas:

Quite some time ago, my great grandfather was digging a hole to bury his dog that had died and ran into something we have always called a peace pipe.  It looks strikingly similar to the one you have posted on your dirtbrothers.org website.  I have attached a couple photos of the item, it was found in the hill country near Inks Lake, Texas.  If you could, provide me with some specific details about the item i.e. estimated years old, purpose of item, how they made it, and approximate value.  I appreciate you helping me understand what such item is used for.  

Also, you can see that the pipe/smoke blower was hit with the shovel while digging the hole, but you can see some of the intricate carvings on it, like an old fish looking carving.  Please provide me with as much information as you can.  Thank you for your time.

I posted my opinion to Joe... what do you think? Email him.

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