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From Dirt Bro Life Member & webmaster of our sister site CoopnaCave Jeff Cooper in Iowa:

My friend Ronnie Hart found this fossil tooth in the creek at the bottom of one of those big horseshoe washouts near the caves – Henry couldnt adequately explain which of the two it came from (he cant remember,actually).  Doesn’t really matter.   I have a bunch of full size pics – that show evidence that this tooth recently fell out of the jaw…  Note the calcite crystals inside the root hole.

Henry Helene thinks it's from a pliestocene horse…could be.  A "fossil dude" in Henry’s town thought it was Camelid.  Until proven otherwise, I call it unidentified, but in casual chat I call it horse.  I’ve seen enough bison to rule that out.  It’s the largest tooth I’ve seen.   Very, very cool, for sure!!

Be sure to check out our sister site!
Jeff Cooper is the other half of dirtbrothers.org and I'm proud to call him partner!

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