Peotone: The Collections
Miscellaneous Collections
The Clay Collection
Brian Clay collected these artifacts on the family farm which is located west of Peotone. Interestingly, we again have a collection that contains Paleo artifacts.

Starting in the first row there is a beautifully-made uniface scraper, the base of an Agate Basin, a Plainview, a preform and last in the row is a Dalton.

Starting in the second row is a small side-notch point with heavily ground base and notch, very delicate pressure flaking and remains untyped for the moment.

Next is the base of a Dovetail drill, a Thebes, a probable Thebes cluster and a nicely worked drill base. 

The third row contains all Heavy Duty points, the far right point pictured being in fairly pristine condition.

The last row contains two Early Archaic knives on each end and pictured in the center is the remains of a Paleo rectangular blade.

Margo Hupe
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Margo Hupe
David "Stone" Sweet