The Utah Wilderness!

This next picture is several miles from Ruin Park called Fable Valley.  We looked for this area with some difficulty before finding it, and could only spend a few hours here.  It has the reputation of having many cliff dwellings, and we found this one almost immediately.  It's less difficult to get to than most cliff dwellings, but certainly easily defensible. To the left of the picture there was a large enclosed area which we speculated was a kiln, but certainly could have been a granary.  Some of our party actually crawled into this enclosed area, which was full of bits of wooden branches.  It also smelled strongly of
rodent dung, so I reminded everyone that in these ruins one sometimes comes across pockets of the plague bacilli and other nasty diseases associated with rats. This cleared everyone out pretty quickly, and rightly so!  We did come across many pottery shards in the area, as well as at least two other smaller, squared structures down below it.  
This is one of the areas we're hoping to be able to spend some time in out there.

Here's a picture of Keith I just had to throw in because of the smile on his face.   He gets this look like he's happier than a pig in sh*t out here in God's country and surrounded by artifacts.  Behind him is Lavander Canyon, a pastel colored canyon that's got more sites that it has ways to get to them.  With a good pair of binoculars up here you can also make out a number of arches.  It's in the Needles region of Canyonlands and accessible only with the blessing of the Federal government.  This picture is taken on the back route into Ruin Park, in the foothills of the Abajo Mountains.

Email Charles if you have any comments!

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